About XYZ Sound Collective
XYZ Sound Collective is composed of international artists working and experimenting with spatial sound, a movement in music that originated in parallel with the first electronic music back in the 1950s. The movement became characteristic of the direction of artists who still today use the revolutionary technology to focus on new ways of experiencing sound.
At XYZ Sound Collective, it is especially the spatial experience of sound that is worked with, and although the collective's artists express themselves in different ways, it is always with an interest in the interaction that occurs with the audience when the sound is made present and bodily.
XYZ Sound Collective performs both together and separately, but is based in Copenhagen, where they are behind their own festival LYDFELTER. Here, members of the collective perform with the aim of giving the festival participants unique sound experiences and pushing the understanding of what sound can be. The festival's universe is easily accessible and engaging - both in a figurative sense and quite concretely, when the audience, for example, is invited in and becomes a co - creator of a sound work.
XYZ Sound Collective, as it looks today, was started back in 2018. The name refers to the mathematical terms for depth, length and breadth and emphasizes the sound collective's common vision to spread the knowledge of a more three-dimensional experience of sound.
CV - XYZ Sound Collective
2021 Residency og koncert på Inter Arts Center i Malmö
2 weeks work with acousmonium + concert during the festival ‘Intonal’
2021 KU.BE Frederiksberg ‘Lydfelter’
2-day festival for spatial sound
2020 KU.BE Frederiksberg ‘Spatial Sound Labs - dXm #3’
2 workshops for spatial sound+ 4 concerts over 2 days
2019 Anemonen Teater ‘dXm #2’
2-day multikanal/acousmonium festival
2018 Den Danske Scenekunstskole ‘dXm #1’
2-day multikanal/acousmonium festival
XYZ Sound Collective is organized as an association. The current board consists of Tine Louise Kortermand, Ragnhild May og Jørgen Teller. The purpose of the board is to act as artistic and practical sparring partners. The members of the collective organize the associations activities and act as artists at these events as well.
MEMBERS of ‘XYZ Sound Collective’ who are organizing and performing at LYDFELTER
The association's members facilitate th activities and purposes. The participating members are;
Lasse Munk is a sound artist with concerts in Denmark and abroad at e.g. The opening of the Danish pavilion for the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, 2016.
Lotta Fahlén Solo artist under the name ‘Loljud’. Trained songwriter and producer from Karlstad University and board member of the record company ‘Synth Babes’.
Ingvild Skandsen Educated sound designer and technician at The Danish School of Performing Arts. Composed music for theater performances on Grob and AKT1.
Lola Ajima Educated as an electroacoustic composer at the Conservatoire de Pantin, Paris. Performed at international digital festivals in Europe and co-founder of Beats by Girlz - Denmark.
Julie Østengaard Cand. Musicae in electronic music and sound art at The Danish National Music Conservatory. With performance and sound installations at Den Frie, Click and SPOR Festival
Arash Pandi Educated sound designer at Sonic College, experimental musician, sound designer and teacher. Stockholm culture festival, KADK, Tadaex and Alice CPH.
Amalie Ulla Pontoppidan Witt Cand. mag. in Theater and Performance Studies with electives in Musicology, co-founder and artist in Teater PRAXIS.
Kevin Oliver Musician and sound designer educated at the Danish School of Performing Arts. Has performed at international festivals i.a. Sundance, Supersonic and SXSW.