Ode til mobiltelefonen
‘Ode to the mobile phone’ - an electronic music performance, where you as the audience are co-creators of the listening experience using your smartphone as a speaker.
‘Ode to the mobile phone’ is a response to the negativity often expressed around our use of smartphones. Especially in connection with live concerts, there is a critique of our need to document everything, rather than being present in the experience. The project benefits from these issues and creates a collective experience, where we are encouraged to make use of the phone, where in a playful constellation, there is increased attention to the listening experience, the space and each other.
The experimental sound work is created from recordings of telephone conversations, vibrating telephones, ringtones etc. With this collection of recordings, the sound artist performs a fragmented musical sound collage that becomes both a tribute to her mobile phone and an abstract sonic narrative about her relationship to it and the relationships created through it. The work encloses the listener in an absurd universe that revolves around the mobile phone's auditory context, which tells something about the development of both time and technology, while a sense of recognizability is stimulated.
The project will have its premiere at KU.BE Frederiksberg on 5. of June, where it will be presented at "Lydfelter" -a two-day festival for spatial sound art and music created by XYZ Sound Collective.
The project is supported by the Danish Composers Society and The Danish Arts Foundation
Full concert recording (Binaural)
from Lydfelter 2021